So here it goes, the educational tour of the little was scheduled September 20, 2010. I and my mum woke up at around 4.30 in the morning to prepare our foods and other stuff. When we're about to go to school the rain drops started to fall I prayed that the rain will stop and that Mr Sunshine will show up for I know the kids will not enjoy the tour. God is really good because he heard my prayer, the rain stopped when we headed to our first destination, the Pepsi Cola Plant
However we need to wait for an hour or so because the bottling operation has not started yet so the school administrator suggests that we go directly to our second destination, which is the New Leyte Edible Oil Incorporated. The pre-elementary were not allowed to go inside the plant. But because I was eager to see what is inside the plant I decided to go with the grader. We had a sneak peak of what is happening inside the plant. We saw mountains of coconuts that are waiting to be processed.
Is Sophia and your son are still on the same school? I heard about the field trip that Sophia doesn't want her picture's taken by her family.
yes, they are still in the same school and they are in the same class.
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