- Accept help. When friends and family offer their help, be sure to take it! This can mean having someone play with your child while you run errands, or having someone to call when you need to talk.
- Take advantage of local resources. Many communities offer play groups, after-school activities and parenting classes. These can give you and your child a chance to have fun, learn and make new friends. You can ask a nurse or social worker in the hospital for some recommendations.
- If you don’t get enough time with your child, look for creative solutions. Ask if your job lets you work flexible hours, for example.
- Don’t forget fun. Take a break from your busy routine to plan something special for you and your child. Take a trip to the zoo, go to a movie, dine out or play in the park.
- Make time for yourself. You need a chance to relax once in a while, too! It can be as simple as taking 15 minutes to look at a magazine or watch your favorite show when your child is in bed.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tips for single parents
I’ve been a single parent for almost four years now. Raising a child as a single parent can be difficult, challenging and yet rewarding. I know there are thousands or even million single parents around the world. Being a single parent can be very busy. You maybe need to work, prepare you kid/s needs, house chores and etc. Here are some tips that will help you balance your time.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wow. It’s been five days since my last update. I was just finishing my offline errands, finally we had our barangay assembly the other night. I am finally done with my financial statement report. Now, I can go back doing my online responsibilities. I missed ec dropping, it’s been a week since I last login in to my account.
Ciao for now, I need to log off and prepare going the bank I need to verify the check for the payment of the barangay electric bill
Ciao for now, I need to log off and prepare going the bank I need to verify the check for the payment of the barangay electric bill
me and blogging
Friday, October 24, 2008
To or not to go
Tomorrow is the 6th birthday of niece. I promise her that I would buy her a cake on her birthday. I got a call from my sister this morning asking when we are going to go in there place {Samar} because her daughter has been waiting for our arrival since yesterday. I am having a second thought to go there with my nanay, my nephew and son because of luck of time. But upon receiving my sister's call we might go there tomorrow.
Anyway, does anyone here want to have a physically fit body? I mean the types of body that will allow you to win a body competition. Do you know that 4 ad will help you achieve the body you've been wanting and at the same time supports you to have a healthy sexual life style. To know more about this supplement visit store.bodybuildingfactory.com.
Anyway, does anyone here want to have a physically fit body? I mean the types of body that will allow you to win a body competition. Do you know that 4 ad will help you achieve the body you've been wanting and at the same time supports you to have a healthy sexual life style. To know more about this supplement visit store.bodybuildingfactory.com.
health and living
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Early to rise
that is my son, he goes to bed early last night considering that he woke up at 5.30 from his afternoon nap. No wonder he is awake at 4.45 in the morning. Now, he is bugging me with my online stuff. He even wake up nanay to move to our room but then he didn't go back to sleep. Naughty boy...
I also get up early today although i haven't had a very nice sleep. And since I can't go back to sleep I decided to open my pc and continue my ec dropping, I also open my PPP dashboard and was surprised to saw 3 gray opps with good payouts. I kept on refreshing my dashboard hoping it will turn white or green. Hay.. blogging life....
Anyway can you see my Christmas countdown on my sidebar? I put it last night. In fact I've been thinking on putting that last month but I am having second thought. I know it is really early to brag about holiday season but Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
I also get up early today although i haven't had a very nice sleep. And since I can't go back to sleep I decided to open my pc and continue my ec dropping, I also open my PPP dashboard and was surprised to saw 3 gray opps with good payouts. I kept on refreshing my dashboard hoping it will turn white or green. Hay.. blogging life....
Anyway can you see my Christmas countdown on my sidebar? I put it last night. In fact I've been thinking on putting that last month but I am having second thought. I know it is really early to brag about holiday season but Christmas is my favorite time of the year.
me and blogging
Monday, October 20, 2008
Nice to be back

That is what I am feeling right now. It's really nice to be back home, I can not do my daily online routine. I was disappointed when I knew that the venue of the seminar workshop I attended is a bit far from the town proper and so internet cafe is no where to found.
How i wish blogging and chatting to my lalabs. I miss sleeping with my son. To all who drop for a visit thank you I will try to visit all of you if not tomorrow soon. I still have so many things to do offline.
me and blogging
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Heavy Weight That I Am
Sometimes i wonder why and how i got to be a heavy weight lady now. It seemed like yesterday that i was the sexy mother of one son. I just realized one day that i popped out to be big. Friends and relatives can't believe I can grow this big. I tried to lose weight though, through strict diet, working out on my own and skipping meals. I stayed heavy weight until now. I figured I need to take the best weight loss pills that will suit me. Well, that is after I get an informed decision for myself.
health and living
Friday, October 17, 2008
Good morning
Good morning readers and followers. As you can see i wake up really, today is the start of my 3 days seminar workshop and we will be leaving my town at exactly 6 in the morning. I will be taking my bath right after I post this entry. I will surely miss you guys I am not sure if I can update my blog while I am on this training. Anyway to all my ec droppers please bear with me if I can't visit you back. I will promise to visit your site as soon as I get home and that is on Monday.
me and blogging
Home based business
Are you a stay at home mom like me? Then you might be considering to put up a home based business that will permit you to earn some money. As a single parent to a 3 years old boy I really need to do something for me to be able to save for his future. And so I started to search online business and I bump into this site called homebasedbusinessopp.com. Through this site you will find home based business opportunities of your choice easy and quick. Categories that you may choice are:
candy vending
computer and internet
vending machine distributor
wedding business
business services
business opportunities
Hurry visit the mention link for more information.
candy vending
computer and internet
vending machine distributor
wedding business
business services
business opportunities
Hurry visit the mention link for more information.
business oppurtunities
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Know about firefold
Have you heard of Firefold or firefold.com? If not, let me give you brief information about this website. It is an online e-commerce industry that offers thousands of networking, audio/video, and communications product at a very low price. They also provide home theatre installation services and IT solutions for your home and business around NC region. They have been in this business since 2005 and still doing well. Their product is guarantee in terms of quality as they purchased it directly to the manufacturer and also explain why they have the lowest price compares to other online store. So if you in need of HDMI wall plate Firefold has a huge variety of hdmi wall plates. They also offer:
- coax cable
- gaming products
- switches and splitters
- power accessories
- structured panels
- wall mounts
- wi-ex
- firefold speakers and many more
home and living,
Struggling to lose weight
I am one of those people who are struggling to lose weight. I used to have a skinny body before I give birth and I have been wishing to gain few kilos that time. And this wish was granted when I give birth to my son to the point that I need to buy new clothes because my old clothes doesn’t fit me anymore. But now, that I gain way too much for my wish weight I am starting to find effective diet pills for me. I need to be sure that the pill I am taking is safe for my health too.
health and living
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Off to Land of dream
Good night peepz.... it's one o'clock in the morning here in the Philippines, time for me to go to zzzzz... But before I sign off I would like to take this opportunity to thank payu2blog for being such a good source of extra molah in this blog. Payu has been too good in this blog since it was accepted to take task from them.
Looking forward for some task before the payment day. lol.. am i too greedy? nahh.. call me that if you want.lol
me and blogging
Great choice of tees
Have you been searching for online stores where you can find huge variety of uniquely design t-shirts? Then you must visit Road Kill Tshirt.com and browse through their eye catching product like
So hurry visit the store today and avail of their mega-grab bag offer, you will have 6 t-shirts for only $30.
- funny t-shirts
- vintage style t-shirts
- retro t-shirts
- religion t-shirts
- novelty t-shirts
- sports t-shirts
- holiday/seasonal t-shirts
- current event t-shirts
- and many more….
So hurry visit the store today and avail of their mega-grab bag offer, you will have 6 t-shirts for only $30.
shop till you drop
Monday, October 13, 2008
Entrecard problem
This morning i finally able to dropped the minimum drop for the day in my other blog and more than two hundred drops for my Celebrate Life and some drops for this blog. I wanted to be able to drop the 300 drop my each blog today so I begin dropping this afternoon. But unfortunately after few drops i encounter this message.
Outage for a maximum of 2 hours until 7AM Boston time while we try and deal more conclusively to performance issues we are experiencing during high-load times. We apologize once again and hope this outage will be the last we need for some time.
Does it mean entrecard is having some problem again. Argh.. hopefully it will be okay soon so I can continue dropping.
me and blogging
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Boring Saturday
Yeheyy.. it’s weekend once again. How’s your weekend doing so far? As for me just got home from our special session and immediately open my pc and continue ec dropping but to my surprised entrecard is acting crazy again. To all my entrecard dropper apologize if I can not return the drop is just that I can open my inbox and if I can open it I can open the site. My gracious this will be a boring weekend for me.
Anyway does anyone here is looking for car insurance? Then you should visit insurancebureau.com, through this site you will find you the most competitive cheap auto insurance quotes available in the market.
Anyway does anyone here is looking for car insurance? Then you should visit insurancebureau.com, through this site you will find you the most competitive cheap auto insurance quotes available in the market.
me and blogging
Friday, October 10, 2008
I give up
I am doing my ec dropping again after I chatted to my lalabs but my gracious entrecard is too slow today. Sometimes I end of white background and its pisses me off. I'd better take my rest now than waiting for slow loading. Entrecard seems to have have some glitches for few days now.
So good night people.. Enjoy your weekend..
So good night people.. Enjoy your weekend..
me and blogging
Acne showing up
I haven’t had enough sleep for few days now and my gracious acne is showing up. Well, no wonder I am also having my monthly visitor. Though I have little acne in my face right now I can still say I am very lucky because my face is not prone to acne unlike other girls or even guys. I know how having too much acne in your face, neck and back can be awful if not irritating. If you are one of those unlucky people to have an acne problem then worry no more because you can find acne cures in the market nowadays.
health and living
I’ve been reading some post about Vegas and I wish to visit the place one day. The place has a lot to offer that will surely make your vacation a memorable one.
Does anyone here is planning to take a grand holiday vacation? Then why not visit Vegas the sought after tourist destination nowadays, and enjoy playing casino, golf, entertainment and much more. I advice to have las vegas strip map if you are a first timer in the City of Sin. This will help you roam around the place without hassle.
Does anyone here is planning to take a grand holiday vacation? Then why not visit Vegas the sought after tourist destination nowadays, and enjoy playing casino, golf, entertainment and much more. I advice to have las vegas strip map if you are a first timer in the City of Sin. This will help you roam around the place without hassle.
travel and vacation
Failed to drop ec
For few days I haven’t able to drop ec. It’s has been a busy and restless days for me. Yesterday I tried to login my account and do some drop but entrecard was doing some maintenance so I decided to take some nap as I really need it. And today I am planning to take some rest and a long nap. Hopefully, no more unexpected job for today. Ehehhe..Though I still have to go at the Sangguniang Bayan office this more but it wont take long I just need to submit the Barangay Officials personal schedule for my supplemental budget.
me and blogging
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Me, technology numb?
Call me technology numb, but I haven’t heard of unlocked cell phones here in my country. To gratify my curiosity I browse the internet and I came across this website called USTronics.com. This company provides unlocked cell phones in different models such as Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sonny Ericson, and much more. You can also buy a pre paid sim card which you can use in more than 125 countries without roaming cost and free incoming calls in over 80 countries. Isn’t unbelievable?
This blog is monitized
Yes, this blog is now monetized. I am very grateful that payu2blog accept this blog without any hassle in my side. In fact this site is one of favorite as I have ample time to do my task in free form. Meaning I can make and have my task without pressure. lol However, I don’t have any plan yet in passing this blog to other sites as I want this blog to earn a higher PR.
for blogging
Needs of shipping boxes?
Christmas is just around the corner. Filipinos that are living outside the country are now starting to send their present to their family back home for Christmas. I am very sure that some of my kababayan needs shipping boxes. Packnboxnow.com provides custom boxes, stock boxes, packaging supplies and creative displays. So if you are in need of the above mentioned service don’t look any further visit Pack N Box Now.
The answer to all your moving needs
Are you moving into another state in the US? Do you need a service to take care of all your moving needs? Do want fast and free shipping? Do you want you’re moving to move and be done in a fastest way? Do you need of moving boxes? Then visit discoverboxes.com is here to help you have a hassle free, stress free moving in your life. The company has been serving 39 years to their thousands of satisfied customer though out the US.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Quick update
Yay, I can't believe I neglected this blog. It's more than a week since my last post. I did not go anywhere in fact I am always online everyday but my time is limited. I am kinda of busy for since last week, going back and forth to the accounting office. As I mentioned in my previous post that I am schedule for audit. I have a doubt that I can not finish posting all my transaction and the Chairman was here few hours ago and he told me to ask the Mrs. Regis to re-schedule our audit since he don't have the papers for his latest travel. And it is favor in my part since the check is on my name.
So i guess this is, I will just prepare my cashbook for the next audit. I can now go back to my blogging chores.
So i guess this is, I will just prepare my cashbook for the next audit. I can now go back to my blogging chores.
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