1. Take your award here
2. Put the logo on your post
3. Link the person who awarded you
4. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
5. Add links to those blogs on yours
6. Leave a messages for your nominees on their blog
Now, lemme me pass this friendship award to the following: Shelo, Twinks, Fe, Chuchie, Maxi, Madz and Shydub
Awesome award!! congrats :-)
congrats! juz dropping by
wow! thanks Sham for this award. i will grab it as soon as i'm not so busy anymore.
again, thank you thank you thank you!!!
hi, posted this just now. thanks for this award! (http://myunrevealedthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/05/2009-friendship-and-best-blogger-award.html)
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