The rules:
1. Link the one who gave this award and let them know you posted it.
2. Pass this to as many Smart Bloggers as you can think and make sure to write something about them, like what makes you think they are Smart.
3. Let them know they have an Award.
Now, I would like to pass this award to the following:
Cecille of Cecille's Creativity --> I chatted her on ym the other day and she seems to be a good person. She is eager to know how to make a layout, she reminds me of my self when I was struggling to know how to make a layout.
Imelda of My Daily Business --> She is a good office head, in fact i sometimes wish she will be assigned back in DILG Tanauan hehehhe.. but I know she enjoy in her work station now. She spoiled my son, like buying chocolate, cakes, doughnut...
Nova of History of Supernova and Sweetpain --> I talked her on ym when she was still here in Pinas and we had a nice chat now she is with her hubby in the US
Fe of My Blogging Journey --> She my mentor in blogging, a young mom of 2 adorable kids and a layout designer. We met through FS group..
Congratulations to your award!!^_^
hi prettymom,
thanks for visiting my travel journal. :D
happy Easter to you too.
hello there
by the way i just tagged you in my blog hope you can participate on this meme i just created
have a great day and happy blogging
dont worry the tag will starts at april 10 and ends up until may 10 so you can do it if you have time
Thanks for grabbing and for posting the award sis... It's Easter Sunday na..whats the plan sis? Hope you will have a nice day
thanks for this, lot! Hapi Easter!
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